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Under the corona virus Pandemic, You Need to Know These about Insurance

The corona virus has made many people aware of the importance of life insurance for family protection. Here are the answers to some key questions about buying life insurance now.

Will US stocks be dragged down by Delta? Massive financial report will give clues this week

Since the US holiday at the beginning of this month, the new crown virus in the United States has been on the rise, and now, people have to admit that the Delta virus has appeared on the "summer party".

Why does Delta virus not threaten US stocks?

Wall Street seems to have become the only corner of the United States that is completely immune to the new crown virus. In the past month, the number of confirmed cases of the new crown in the United States has increased fourfold, while the Dow has set a record high five times.

vets-Canine distemper

Distemper mainly harms puppies. The pathogen is canine distemper virus. Sick dogs are characterized by biphasic fever, rhinitis, severe digestive tract disorders and respiratory tract inflammation. Neurological symptoms often appear in the later stages of the disease.

Wall Street has been taking the wrong direction recently? U.S. bond yields may continue to fall

U.S. Treasury yields continued their decline on Monday to a five-month low. Because of the new wave of pandemic concerns under the Delta virus, risky assets are under pressure, and investors have turned to hedging in bonds.

What are the major Wall Street firms doing in Q2? Selling stocks, buying bonds, and buying cash

As early as March this year, the market briefly paid attention to the fate of the supplementary liquidity ratio one year after the new crown virus pandemic, but it did not cause market volatility and was quickly forgotten by most people, except for Wall Street.

After the panic index soars by 50%, will the "Santa Claus market" come in December?

Under the dual effects of the Fed’s tightening and the new crown mutation virus Omicron, US stocks used to have good returns in December, but they are now in a high degree of uncertainty and volatility, and the VIX index, which is used to measure volatility, has also recently appeared. Skyrocketing.