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General mortgage and maximum mortgage
Depending on the specificity of the mortgage, the mortgage can be divided into a general mortgage and a special mortgage.
mortgage Refinancing
It is to re-evaluate the collateral before lending. If the re-evaluation value is higher than before, you can get a larger loan. However, the loan amount of the collateral can only reach 70% of the reassessed value, that is, the value of the collateral is 1 million, and the maximum loan amount is 700,000.
All About Home Loans You Should Know(4)
Housing Provident Fund maximum Loan Limit
16 Tips You Should Notice When Apply for mortgage(1)
mortgage is important when you try to buy a house.
Five barriers to mortgage
The mortgage is only registered advertising, not transfer possession, which is of course beneficial to the mortgagee, but to the mortgagee, once the mortgage is realized, can face various legal obstacles
What is mortgage Protection Insurance When Buying a House?
mortgage protection insurance, abbreviated as MPI, is an application of term life insurance
Types of mortgage Loans
There is a wide variety of online mortgage loans available on the market. The two main types are fixed loans and adjustable loans.