Five barriers to mortgage

The combination of priority compensation rights on mortgages and project payments
1. the law provides
2. priority competition risk for mortgages and projects
(1) Check to see if the price of the construction project is overdue
(2) Supervise the developer to pay the housing sales funds to the builders in a timely manner and prevent the developer from diverting the funds from the project
(3) Treat the contractor with caution with a commitment to waive priority payment for the construction project
(4) Identification of priority exercise period
Competition between mortgage and right to purchase
1. the mortgage after the sale of the situation
2. the sale of the house after the mortgage situation
Competition between mortgage and leasehold
1. The rules of combining the mortgage and the lease
(1) In the case where the right to rent presede the establishment of the mortgage right, the right to rent is greater than the mortgage right
(2) In the case of the mortgage prior to the establishment of the right to rent, the mortgage right is greater than the right to rent
2. mortgage and rental law when the risk of exploitation
3. pre-credit investigation into risk prevention mortgage rental status
(1) At the pre-loan investigation stage, when conducting the on-site audit of the mortgage, credit officers must conduct an investigation into the use of collateral, distinguish between the use of self, lease, idle and other states and their respective occupied areas, and strictly examine the rental status, carefully determine the risk of mortgage property.
(2) If the mortgage has been leased, the mortgagee is required to provide the lease and investigate and verify it on a case-by-case basis, focusing on the examination of the purpose of the lease, the duration of the lease and the collection of rent and other contractual elements.
Competition between mortgage and collateral and privilege
The conflict between mortgage rights and residency rights of vulnerable groups