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ABVD regimen in the treatment of Hodgkin's lymphoma
he Polish Gdansk Medical University Zaucha et al. reported an observational study by the Polish Lymphoma Research Group (PLRG) that after 2 cycles of ABVD chemotherapy, pet examination (ipet2) can identify effective treatment, which is an evaluation of classic Hodgkin The best way to treat lymphoma (cHL) ABVD
Vets-Diagnosis and treatment of common pet diseases
The method of dog disease When a dog is suffering from different diseases, there will be corresponding abnormal performance (symptoms) in one or some aspects. The sick dog can be found by checking with the following methods. It is necessary for dog owners to master some of the most commonly used basic knowledge in this area
What are the advantages of U.S. insurance?
There are several advantages about U.S. insurance.
How to Protect Yourself from Auto insurance Fraud
Preventing insurance fraud may potentially help lower auto insurance premiums.
Health insurance 101(1)
Health insurance, called health insurance for short, mainly includes medical insurance, health insurance, loss of disability income insurance
Overseas Travel insurance for Commercial insurance (I)
Precautions for the purchase of overseas travel insurance
Overseas Travel insurance for Commercial insurance (II)
How to choose when buying overseas travel insurance