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Basic knowledge for a master's degree in social work

Knowledge about national conditions, social values, and policies

Basic requirements for a master's degree in social work

Those who have obtained a master’s degree in this major should have a firm value of serving the needy groups, especially those in need, uphold the professional ethics and values of social work, pursue social justice and social progress

What is msw

The training goal of the master's degree in social work is to have the professional values of "people-oriented, help others, self-help, fairness and justice", master the theories and methods of social work, be familiar with my country's social policies, and have strong social service planning

Master of Social Work

The training goal of the Master's degree in social work is to have the professional values of "people-oriented, help others, self-help, fairness and justice", master the theories and methods of social work

Basic abilities for a master's degree in social work

Master students of this major should be good at using various methods and channels to obtain the required knowledge, master the basic theories and viewpoints of the discipline, understand the latest developments in important practical fields

Criminal justice

Criminal justice refers to the activities carried out by the national judicial organs in accordance with the criminal judicial power granted by the Constitution and laws, performing their duties, cooperating with each other,

Overview of careers in the criminal justice field

Although a degree in a related discipline (such as criminology) may be beneficial, it is by no means necessary, as most criminal justice professions have intensive training programs that will allow you to obtain the qualifications you need at work. Continue reading this article on the Study Abroad. You will find more information about the top criminal professions.