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#10 The University of chicago (Uchicago)
The University of chicago (Uchicago) is a private research university located in the center of chicago, the third largest city in the United States.
#53 Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
Carnegie Mellon University (or CMU) is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Carnegie Mellon University is a global research university. It is one of the 25 new Ivy League schools in the United States.
#53 Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
Carnegie Mellon University (or CMU) is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Carnegie Mellon University is a global research university. It is one of the 25 new Ivy League schools in the United States.
#13 University of Pennsylvania (UPenn)
Located in Philadelphia, the largest city in Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) is a top private research university in the world. It is one of the eight famous Ivy League schools, and one of the 14 founding members of the American University Association.
#25 Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
Johns Hopkins University (also called Hopkins or JHU) is a world-class famous private university, the first research university in the United States, and one of the 14 founding schools of the American Association of Universities (AAU), an academic alliance in North America.
#44 Université PSL
Paris Sciences et Lettres University (PSL University or simply PSL) is a world-renowned research university and a world-class university. It was established in 2010 and gradually brought together 24 century-old schools and research institutions in Paris.
Harvard MBA
The Harvard MBA is one of the most popular and valuable degrees in the world. Every year, thousands of hopeful students enter the door of Harvard Business School. It is not too much to say that Harvard Business School is the mother of all business schools in the world