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John Berger: Simple Principles for long-term Investing
No matter what happens, stick to your investment plan.
ETF Investment Strategies - long-term Fixed Investment Strategy
A long-term fixed investment strategy can help you gain a steady growth.
Closer to Life insurance , Scientific Planning Life insurance
The value of the property is worn or depreciated naturally due to long-term use, and the value of human life is depreciated, gradually reducing the value of life to zero from work to retirement.
Term insurance
The insurance period is also called the “insurance period”, the period of protection offered by the insurance policy.
What is Mortgage Protection insurance When Buying a House?
Mortgage protection insurance, abbreviated as MPI, is an application of term life insurance
Life insurance can be Cheap
The first impression that most people have of life insurance is that it is expensive. But in fact, the price of life insurance can be very friendly. That is the initiator of all life insurance: term life insurance.
What you need to know about mutual funds (2)
To be successful in investing, you must be a long-term investor.