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Hodgkin's lymphoma treatment and prevention
The application of modern radiotherapy and chemotherapy has made Hodgkin’s lymphoma a curable tumor, but follow-up results of a large number of long-term surviving patients show that the 15-year mortality rate is 31% higher than that of the general population
Accidental Injuries and Health Insurance - Assessment
Entry and exit period: corresponding to the Risk of accident, serious illness Risk
Under the Epidemic: How Leveraged are U.S. Hedge Funds?
This paper analyzes the higher Risk hedge funds.
Low Volatility ETF PK Minimal Volatility ETF
There's a well-known saying in the financial world - "high Risk, high return" - that the only way to get higher Risk is to take higher Returns, which is also perfectly justified by the classic CAPM capital asset pricing model.
Risk Management for Retirement
How can we protect our pensions from losses when the covid-19 plunges U.S.?
US$2 trillion is making strides into U.S. stocks
Previously, due to the increasing number of new cases of the global epidemic and the rampant Delta mutant strains, market Risk appetite decreased and Risk aversion sentiment surged. The U.S. stock market was sold off and plummeted, and funds poured into safe-haven assets such as U.S. Treasuries.
The Balance of Risk and Benefit of Loan Payment
Integrating information from commercial banks and implementing entrusted payments by lenders will highlight the game between Risks and returns: