Global MBA

The Global MBA is a 12-month full-time MBA program offered by French essec (Essek Business School), focusing on emerging markets and experiential learning. The global MBA curriculum is very international, designed to allow participants to get out of their familiar fields and get first-hand experience in a new and challenging environment. As a future head of global business, you will learn about local culture and business practices, understand how to overcome barriers to cross-cultural communication, and become good at managing management in a multicultural environment.
The "Financial Times" global MBA program rankings began in 1999. This is also one of the oldest, most authoritative and respected rankings in the field of international business management education. The list takes into account many factors such as the gender ratio of students and the degree of internationalization, but the most important measure is the salary status of graduates.
In 2016, the first place on the list is the European Business School. This is also the first time that the European Business School has topped the list. Unlike other business schools, the European Business School’s MBA program lasts only one year instead of two. Years, and on a global scale, the one-year MBA program has become increasingly popular