50 Global Top Hedge Funds (8)

(32)Value Partners Group Value Partners
Value Partners is one of the largest asset managers in Asia, with approximately US$13.3 billion in assets under management as of end-June 2016. Since the establishment of its asset management business in 1993, Value Partners has been committed to value investing for over two decades. Value Partners' business is rooted in Greater China and is well known in the industry. At the same time, the Group is also actively expanding its overseas operations. The Group is headquartered in Hong Kong, with offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Taiwan, Singapore and Chengdu.
In November 2007, Value Partners was listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (Stock Code: 806), becoming the first Valbury Group company to be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The asset management company that manages absolute return biased long position funds, long/short position hedge funds, exchange traded funds, quantitative funds and fixed income products. It manages absolute return long biased funds, long/short hedge funds, exchange traded funds, quantitative funds and fixed income products. Serving individual and institutional investors across Asia Pacific, Europe and the United States.
The firm's approach to value investing is based on the 3R's: finding the right business, run by the right people, at the right price. Selling. Adopt a risk-averse approach to investment management, with an in-depth understanding of the business and the pursuit of high, safe returns as the basis for investment. This approach is highly regarded as the core investment philosophy for all investment products and solutions.
Value Partners focuses on value investing in building company culture and training investment professionals, and adopts the same approach to investment analysis. Strategy. Investments are not made in stocks, but rather in accordance with the 3R's (i.e., finding the right business, being run by the right management, and investing in the business on (Sell at the right price) invests in the business of individual companies.
Value Partners also focuses on on-the-ground company research to ensure that the fund performs well. The investment management team of approximately 60 professionals conducts extensive company visits each year, as well as phone calls to individual company management. Interviews and meetings with brokers are arranged. Thorough research enables the firm to take a view that is independent of the market mainstream.
Value Partners encourages fund managers to look for value-led investment opportunities with the philosophy of "people throwing in the towel". As a contrarian investor, the team was one of the first to invest in China's B-share market in the 1990s. The company was one of the first investors to invest in the market when it was still untapped. Started in early 2009, the firm also took the early opportunity to make aggressive investments when the Chinese economy and stock valuations started to get back on track.
(33) Moore Capital Management LLC
Founded in 1989, the company is headquartered in New York and employs approximately 429 people in London, Zurich, Hong Kong, Washington, D.C., and London. with offices. The firm has $53 billion under management.
The company is a global macro investment firm that uses macroeconomic themes, cash, futures and derivatives within its portfolio of assets. Founder Bacon participates in most of the global markets, and in his views on the future of inflation, economic growth, central bank policy and national policies. Investment decisions are made on the basis of forecasts. He also incorporates data given by strategists and researchers.
(34) Blue Crest Capital Management
Founded in 2000, the company is headquartered in New York, with additional offices in London, Boston, Geneva, Connecticut and Singapore. Office. As the third largest hedge fund in Europe, it manages over $30 billion. The number of employees is estimated at around 600.
In 2014, the firm put $8.2 billion of assets into a new firm, Systematica Investments, which was founded by Bluecrest employee Leda Braga. cnbc Braga was once called "the most authoritative woman in the hedge fund industry". She has an average annual outsized return of $50 million.